Virtual Color Experience

Daughters Boutique IA

Regular price $249.00

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The Virtual Color Experience is an in-depth conversation where we will:
- Confirm your Color Code category using 
- Discover your best: Neutrals and Metallics 
- Find your most flattering pops of color 
- Discuss your contrast level and find the best patterns and prints to compliment you 
- Talk tips and tricks to complete any outfit 

You'll also receive:

- A list of makeup shades that are best for you and your Color Code
- Digital Color Collection of digital color swatches accessible from your electronic device. This collection is automatically updated twice each year (spring and fall) with seasonal trend colors aligned to each specific Color Code. ($29 value!)
- $10 off any salon service with Styles by Ashton
- 15% off at Daughters Boutique

Clients should send the following items before the appointment:

- Completed Goal Sheet for session
- Two (2) close up photos: one with a clear view of your hair, skin and eyes front view, and one close-up of your eyes

  1. Wear little to no makeup - No lip color please
  2. Remove glasses
  3. Position hair around, but not in your face
  4. Take photos in natural light - outdoors or near a window, making sure to face the window
  5. Pose in front of a plain, neutral background

- Description of your hair color and eye color, using words like medium to dark blonde hair with highlights, light green eyes etc.
- Picture of 5 favorite tops, at least 3 with a print or pattern
- Picture or description of your current cosmetics colors or most frequently worn eye shadows, blush, and lip colors